Painting Collection

Each one of Helena’s paintings are one-off pieces featuring brilliant colours and textures. Using layers of paints and bold strokes, Helena evokes the Australian landscape that is her inspiration while incorporating the movement and colour of dance.

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Garments Collection

Hand painting silk is a challenging medium to work with. Each brushstroke, once applied…

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Absolutely fabulous, you need to be in Paris in an artists community

Maria Jame

Delicatesse, sesibilite, reffinement, s’experiment admirablement, daus le travoil d’Helen, veritable de’couveile satisfique de notre sejour australien. Fu’elle en soit remenciee pour l’emotion ressentie ala lecture de ses compositions.

Gerard Silmo

- Joinville, France

Your window caught my eye and the surprises and the originality within were a great delight – you are too good & talented to be hidden away. Think big your talent is exceptional & original. Really loved your work!

Norica Miles

The choice was so hard, I like so many of your beautiful paintings. I can’t wait to put them on my wall. Keep painting I’ll come back for more.

