I have just recently returned from an eight month stay in France. I searched for a beautiful coat all over France and came home to find exactly what I was looking for, here, in Llanvair Gallery! Beautiful garments Helena!
Maree Johns
- Malvern, Victoria.
It was worth coming over from Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire England, to see your beautiful coloured silks, paintings and felts. Gosh !! What amazing talent. When are you ‘opening-up’ in London !! Thank you so much – my daughter’s name is Helena too!
Jane Trigwell
- Yorkshire, England.
Delicatesse, sesibilite, reffinement, s’experiment admirablement, daus le travoil d’Helen, veritable de’couveile satisfique de notre sejour australien. Fu’elle en soit remenciee pour l’emotion ressentie ala lecture de ses compositions.
Gerard Silmo
- Joinville, France
A beautiful shop filled with beautiful works for art, many thanks.