
Helena can often be found at her easel immersing herself in a world of colour, movement and texture. Her vibrant oil paintings feature beautiful textures and layers of generous paint applied in bold strokes which add dimension and depth to her sense of landscape and movement.

Her oil paintings can be found across the globe, from regional galleries and corporate gallery spaces to private homes throughout the world.

Commissions, both personal and corporate, are accepted with oil paintings ranging from $1000 to $5,000.

18 View Street
Bendigo, Victoria
3550, Australia

M : 0417 146 488
E :

You should be selling in London & Paris!

Zandra Rhodes

I have come all the way from St Kilda to find you, after falling in love with a coat I saw in Melbourne ( whereupon, I ‘accosted’ the lady ( wearing it ) to seek its provenance.  Needless to say, the ‘magic’ you create extends beyond this one piece I saw and I will feel honoured to wear your creations.

Di Edington

- St Kilda, Victoria.

The choice was so hard, I like so many of your beautiful paintings. I can’t wait to put them on my wall. Keep painting I’ll come back for more.


A beautiful shop filled with beautiful works for art, many thanks.

Mike Stokey

- Military Advisor for the Pacific - USA